There are many things that need to be packed up when moving to a new home, and books are among the most difficult items to pack because of their size and weight.  

Before packing for the move, you should do your best to pare down your book collection by getting rid of any books that you no longer need or use, no matter how hard this might be, since this will save you time and space during the move.  

The only thing you should keep in mind is that moving companies generally charge based on the weight of the goods they are transporting, so you may want to toss away any books you are not using. 

In this blog we will talk about how to pack books for moving, to ensure that they are transported safely. 

Things You Will Need: 

  • Marker 
  • Sturdy cardboard boxes 
  • Packing paper 
  • Bubble wrap 
  • Packing tape 

Step1: Pare down your book collection

books collection

Decluttering is very important before you begin packing. It’s time to thin your book collection. I 

 would like to suggest that if you are planning on moving long distance, hiring professional removalists, and are being charged by weight, you should carefully go through your books and determine what you want to keep and what you are willing to pay for the move. 

 In addition to the heavy weight of hardcovers, even the price of paperbacks can add up to a lot of money. It would be a great idea to separate the titles that you absolutely must have from those that you can live without.  

Make a list of books that cannot be read again, then find a good place for them to go, and get rid of those. You can either sell or donate books that you don’t need.   

Step 2: Choose Right Boxes

Once you have carefully selected your books to move, you will need to buy or scrounge some sturdy, medium-sized cardboard boxes.  

Make sure that the boxes are strong enough to hold the weight and that they do not have any signs of dampness-which is particularly concerning with used boxes.  

Also, you should purchase some sturdy packing tape in order to seal the box on the bottom and on the top, as well as a marker in order to label the contents of the box. 

Step 3: Prepare the Boxes 

In the case of new boxes, you will have to assemble them first. To ensure a good seal, make sure to apply a double layer of tape over all the seams on the bottom.  

It is important to continue the tape at least halfway up the sides of the box when sealing the center flap of the box. The bottom must always be taped a third time if you’re using a secondhand box, in order to ensure that it will hold up when you use it. 

Step 4: Pack Hardcover Books 


It is up to you to decide whether to place books flat or upright in the box, depending on the type of book you are packing.  

In order to pack hardcover books, you will need to place them upright in a box with the spine facing the compartment’s side, just as you would if you were putting them on a shelf.  

It is important that the books fit snugly in the boxes, but not so tight that they may get damaged when they are removed from the boxes. Before placing the books into the box, it is advisable to wrap each one in packing paper, if desired, to protect them from damage. 

Step 5: Pack Paperbacks 

The most common method of packing paperback books is to stack them flatly or to lay the books spine-first so that the paper edges are facing up. If you pack them with the paper edges facing down, they will bend when you pack them up. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that you do not pack them at odd angles. 

Step 6: Secure the Boxes with Tape 

secure boxes with the tape

If there are any remaining spaces inside the box, use wadded-up paper to fill them up before closing it. It would be helpful if you taped the box closed and labeled it “Books.” 

If you are going to reuse old boxes, ensure you cross out all previous markings so there is no question as to what the box now contains. 

Step 7: Load The Truck 

Your moving truck or other vehicle should be equipped with a floor that is suitable for stacking boxes of books and other heavy items. To ensure that the boxes will not shift or tip over, it is imperative to stack them with security. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pack the books on my own? 

Yes, you can pack books on your own. 

If I don’t want to use boxes to pack my books, what can I do? 

Bookcases, rolling suitcases, and backpacks are alternative containers that may already be in your possession. Books can also be packed in dresser drawers along with clothes, and then the drawers can be taped shut. Totes and reusable shopping bags are also great for moving standard books. 

How heavy should a box of books be? 

Your box of books should not be more than 30-40 pounds.   

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