When you decide to relocate to another state, you might face numerous challenges, which is why it is essential to plan ahead of time whether you intend to use a commercial packing company or transport some of your stuff yourself.
Also, when planning to take your car with you interstate, the real question is whether you should use an automotive moving company or drive yourself to another state. Whatever decision you make, you should be aware of some vital tips to prepare your vehicle for a move safely.
Tips to get your car ready for an interstate move
It takes a lot of work to plan an interstate move. You must arrange everything and deal with a plethora of moving-related activities. This is why it is better to hire quality movers who can help you move your goods seamlessly and likewise take care of your vehicle.
Also, when taking your vehicle along while moving between states, the most important thing is to prepare your car for an interstate move. Mentioned hereunder are some top tips to prepare your vehicle for an interstate move for safe shipping.
Clean up your vehicle
A thorough wash not only removes dirt, grime, and particles from the vehicle but also exposes any previous damage. Once the interior has been wiped clean of improvements, devices, and junk, pull out the vacuum cleaner and microfiber rags for a thorough cleaning. Sweep the seats, clean the mats, and clean the inside panes.
Clear away any dust or dirt from the dashboard and other inner surfaces. Also, do not forget about door sills, cup holders, and the areas around the tops of windows. When the inside of the car has been thoroughly cleaned, proceed to the exterior.
Use a soap designed for cars and a soft cloth, not an old shirt or towel and dish soap for car cleaning. Remember to wash around the tyres and in other easily overlooked areas. Buff the exterior to prevent spots from hiding any nicks, but don’t wax it.
Keep a record of previous damage
Every vehicle has a few minor issues as a result of regular driving and climate exposure. These are easy to ignore because they are not as visible as more severe damage or because they have been prevalent for so long that they have escaped detection.
On the other hand, the inability to pay attention to the past damage could be a grave mistake if something happens to the car while it is in the hands of the delivery company.
Examine the vehicle thoroughly, both inside and out. Make a detailed list of all smudges, dings, scuffs, and other physical damage.
Take pictures to provide photo evidence for these notes, and make at least one copy. It is also a good idea to make a list of any unusual mechanical issues. Moreover, before you finish the inspection, take note of the mileage reading.
Secure all the loose components or openings
Vehicles with mechanical components or parts that could come loose in transit require special attention before the transport service arrives. To avoid damage to the car and keep other drivers traveling near the transport vehicle safe, make sure these components are secure.
If your car has a sunroof, convertible top, or moonroof, it should remain secure so that it does not slide or spring open. Remove any removable racks or crossbars from the top or back of the vehicle and transport them separately.
Get rid of the waste
Keeping personal belongings in a car during transportation can result in issues ranging from destruction to theft. It’s best to take some extra time before giving the vehicle over to the truckers who will be picking it up to clear out any valuables.
Some automobile transport services will refuse to ship cars with personal items still inside. Hence, you should ensure that all the goods get removed and transported using an alternate way to avoid the company refusing to budge the vehicle.
Ensure proper maintenance and empty the fuel tank
When moving your car interstate, it is crucial to perform thorough maintenance of your vehicle to ensure it is safe for an interstate move. Also, warrant that the tires remain accurately inflated, the car has a full charge, and retain a record of the mileage reading.
Moreover, for safe automobile transit, always double-check that you empty the fuel tank. In addition, if your car is inoperable, you should inform your mover prior so that they can arrange for necessary supplies to move your vehicle.
Preparing a vehicle for shipping before the transport system arrives reduces the hassle and keeps the relocation timeline on track. Mobility becomes less stressful and more simplified when the car is shipped rather than driven.
If you are looking for a reliable vehicle moving service to ship your car interstate, Book A Mover can be your perfect partner. Our highly expert team of movers comes equipped in handling all types of moves. They realize the worth of your possessions and possess them as their own while moving.